Finally sent Anorexic. Randy provided excellent beta, finding a bicycle move that eliminated the cruxy foot cut swing/campus silliness I had previously committed to. With the bicycle, I could statically reach left hand to the undercling above the slopey plate. I think there's video, but it's in Randy's panasonic camcorder trapped in .mts format so it might be awhile before I can post that. Afterwards, we tried Bread Loaf, and Randy was able to send on the final try of the day.
Leslie top roping a 5.11 at The Pit. It was a little hot, and we were running low on water/food. My hapless camelpak busted a leak (second one to do this) while inside my arcteryx miura. I'm about to give up on water bladders as they seem to be nothing but trouble. Got pretty dehydrated in the sun. This may have thwarted my redpoint attempt on Aerial Vermin because my forearm muscles seized up and I couldn't close my hands. Ah well, next time.