This was my warmup at Lime Kiln. It was brutal. It turned into a mission to get S's $7 quickdraw. Thanks to J who took the shots from the other side of the grotto. Thanks to S for aptly employing the term grotto. The climb was 5.6 up blocks to a hard 5.11ish slab/dihedral thing that fell away from you. I was surprised by the lack of purchase my Acopas had on the grey limestone. They didn't stick at all. It was practically pure opposition to stem. My hips still hurt the day after. Well, I got S's draw after shameful hangdogging and nearly killing my belayer with boredom.
I'm blown away. When are they going to publish you in a climbing magaine? I always knew you were a ninja. Can you make yourself invisible? Are you standing right behind me as I type this?
Tell John to use sunglasses before looking at a photo of a climbing God next time.
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