A couple of weeks ago I switched my breakfast away from meat and eggs and towards one of oatmeal, 7 grain Kashi, blueberries and raspberries. I feel less tired and think I even lost a little bit of weight. However, on this fateful weekend morning, my body said no mas and demanded grease. Succumbing to the siren call of sausages simmering in the skillet, I whipped up a whoop ass pile of food. I figure this is ok as a "once in a while" thing. Two hours after eating this culinary monstrosity, I passed out on the couch. Thus, my breakfast had a similar effect to drinking 5 stiff gin martinis, but sans hangover.
I decided to check out this limestone crag called "The Gun Club" behind Lone Mountain. Access is very convenient, because they just built a parking lot adjacent to it. If you cut through a couple washes and make a direct beeline for the crag, it's about a 5 minute approach.
While at the Gun Club, I found a couple of bat corpses hanging off of some plants growing out of
the base of the cliff. Not really sure what the bats were doing there (besides decomposing), but here they are for your viewing enjoyment.
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