Glock whipped.
So I was back in the my favorite state of mind, the Garden State of mind, visiting my friend, who I'll refer to as "The Diggler", in Chatham. Now, "The Diggler" recently started to question the stability of the future as the stock market started tumbling. What would the collapse of the financial structure imply? Hungry, desperate denizens of a failed republic... clawing at the windows because they know you have a gallon of gas stashed under your bed next to your last three and a half rations the emergency provisional government handed out. And your Wii... yes, the one you waited in line for all those early morning hours! Why, if they knew you were keeping one of those devices from them! Clearly, one has got to defend oneself. But how? Why, obviously, with an Austrian-built 9mm semi-automatic and 1,000 rounds of ammo! One in the head and two in the chest (1000/3 = 333.3 zombies)! Take that you commie bastards!
OK, that's probably not how it went down in "The Diggler"'s mind, but I think my version of "The Diggler"'s thought process is likely the more entertaining version. Besides, the end result was the same. I'm standing in his kitchen, having a Smutty Nose Oatmeal ale with hummus, and there it is on the counter...
Cold, Austrian steel. Simple and reliable. I guess we won't be arguing about politics anymore. "The Diggler" is now officially always right.
1 comment:
I am drawn to the peanut butter, but the glock is a little intimidating.
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