Tuesday, February 24, 2009

T-Bone Shuffle and Manly Stuff.

Here I try some V6 dyno on the Thunderbird boulder.

Day 5 started auspiciously: Kristoph's bacon croissant + triple espresso + cinnamon raisin bagel! That's a breakfast.

T-bone Shuffle V4 - redpoint This problem was unlocked by Satoshi who decided that the left side pull was on. This unleashed the send train as T-bone was then mercilessly gang-banged by me, Masa, and Yusuke. Mark let it go because he didn't want to risk another flapper.
In the video I almost roundhouse Yusuke in the head after missing the crenellation. Yusuke's Redbull reflexes helped him to duck and block with his arm.
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Orifice Affair V1 - An amazing line of huecos, with a decoy hueco to mess you up. Below Takako works it out.
Manly Stuff V4 - We concluded the day on this muther ucker. Again Satoshi unlocked the door to the send train. Mark got it next - he pushed hard, stood tall, pulled it down, whipped out his manly stuff, and came on top. Double entendres all intended. I followed but only by exploiting a most positive hidden razor crimp (sneaky stuff). Big Yusuke almost had the right stuff, but didn't have time to work out alternate beta for his style.

18 point day

Yusuke had 14 point day... if only he sent Manly Stuff. Damn, kid is getting strong!


Tim said...

Nice sends. Where is this crag?

Unknown said...

All these boulders were in Hueco's North Mountain, 2nd parking lot I think. I'm still milking the Hueco pix despite the fact that the trip occurred over 4 weeks ago. I haven't done anything interesting since, so what the hell.

Tim said...

No shame in that. There could/should be entire blogs dedicated to Hueco. It's why I haven't updated in 2 weeks, February is "down time" for climbers out here considering its 34 deg today. I'll be rifling through videos from 3 weeks ago instead.

Mr. McKenna said...

my foot hurts.

Unknown said...

Mr. M, I feel terrible about your foot. My spotting skills need serious improvement. In honor of the blog you never update, I wordled it to distill its true essence. And it is "Just really know like one fucking something."