Based upon Shawn’s worldly suggestion, I convinced some coworkers to visit this hip bar in the west village. They had belgian ales on tap and a great selection in bottled format. I myself quite enjoyed the Orval. The bartenders however were slow and unfriendly- I think it’s my blue Northface backpack. Man, walk into a trendy bar with one of those on and with a silly nalgene hanging off of it and you are the epitomy of uncool. Don’t do it. Leave it to professional uncool and awkward people like myself. Then, my friend Jane witnessed a four inch cockroach in the wc which basically ended any future visits. I nervously entered the wc afterwards fully expecting an arthropod the size of my hand to skitter up one of my pant legs and leave me in the madhouse rocking in a corner. Instead, I stumbled upon some amusing graffiti, which I have arranged for you below in ascending order of philosophical importance.
We start off with a quote by Baudrillard... something about the "desert of the real." I have no clue what he meant by this, but I think it was used in the Matrix, so it must be important.

Onward to onanism... it's almost dialectical. We start off with self pleasuring, evolve to mutual, and end with total rejection. Good stuff.

"Bush is Satan." Now that's deep.

"Yup... another turd.." Can't argue with or mock that one. Must be a universal truth.
WC!? As in Fields!?
I haven't heard someone refer to the Can as a "Water Closet" cum "WC" since penny farthings carefully navigated their way around horse droppings on the cobblestone streets.
Forget the backpack and Nalgene, more air probably left the room when you asked to be directed to the "WC" than when Dave blew the pod door explosive bolts in "2001" .
Did you have to squint to keep your monocle from falling out when you said that?
This blog entry is somewhat redeemed with the "Yep, Another Turd" image. Now that's some high grade humor!
I can imagine the original author petulantly uncapping his sharpie to inscribe that after his latest BM (hey, I can do that two letter euphemism thing too) failed to bring forth whatever not-a-turdness he was hoping for.
Seems like grandpa DD finally found the pantry keys, has had one too many protein shake and it's gotten to his head. Am I wrong?
DirtyDigz... so we finally encounter a new persona. Bravo!! Now THAT is a what I call a Comment.
Coincidentally, I was watching 2001 the same day you posted.
Unfortunately, my bombast did not give birth to "WC". It was actually how the restroom was labeled in that self-consciously hip and trendy west village hang- To be expected from a bar whose name I can't pronounce, and I'm sure nobody there could either, although they had nice haircuts.
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