Lost City.
Yesterday my friend Mike and I visited the Lost City at the Gunks in Peterskill to do some toproping. We had the place to ourselves because it was 90F and 89% humidity. We warmed up on a 5.8 crack that was wetter than wet. Then we moved over to some 5.11ish face, which was kind of short. Then we each took a few burns on Caffeine and Nicotine 5.12b. Mike deciphered the crux moves. Very very fun route requiring all kinds of climbing: traverse, slab, face, roof, deadpoint, gastons, side-pulls, bumps. The pure variety of the route is astounding. Now I just have to sneak back and redpoint it before Mike does.
Mike leads the way to the Lost City. He's like Indiana Jones, but without a hat, a whip, khakis, a man purse, and he's not in his mid-60s.
Looks sort of jungle like, but it's just New York. Speaking of New York, that overrated city, while we were at the Amphitheater, who should show up but 7 year old Ashima with who I presume is her father who looks like Sho Aikawa from a Miike movie. I thought man this girl is everywhere! I was hoping she would wander over to our 5.12 to show us what's up but no luck. Below, the bomber toprope Mike set up with a perfect amount of cordelletes and slings on a pine tree up top.
Caffeine & Nicotine 5.12b. Neither of us did it, but it shall fall. The heat drained our energy and Mike needed a lot of energy and encouragement for his proj. I'm not the kind to yell out stuff at the crag tho. I'll need to practice doing that. So far I've heard people say stuff like "look at it look at it look at it GO!" or "Try harder!!" or "Grow taller!" or "Breath" or "Relax" or the good old "YEAHHHH!!!" Perhaps some combinations like "Grow harder" or "Try YEAH" would be appropriate at times. Why is this so complicated?
Anyway, two hoegaardens with lemon tasted good afterwards. Mike went to his local video store and rented Cloverfield amidst my sarcastic criticism of a movie I've never seen. I dissed his flick because he dismissed my suggestion of some other flick with a scantily clad french maid wielding a cleaver with buzz words like
"sex" and "mayhem" on it.
Today I had a date with my Mom to see the latest Indiana Jones and the Skull made of Plastic that's supposed to be Crystal Meth or something like that. Shia Le Buffoon's role as his son amused my Mom. She said, "What's Fonzie doing in this movie?"
Nice photo of the climber on the wall, but who's belaying?
You did well dissing Cloverfield, that piece of s**t in not even good as an airplane movie on your way to Australia stuck between two overweight peanut eating Americans for 22 hours. A guy risks the lives of 3 of his friends to save the life of one girl he slept with once and never called her back the day after. Another guilt driven unbelievable plot. What's the smiley for puking? On the positive side, many young hip Manhattans dye in horrible bloody ways in their trendy hip party clothes but, as in any other B movie, we don't care for this filling. Oh yeah, there is also this monster creature as big as King Kong who looks suspiciously similar to the creature from the classic film Alien, (atleast get your own f***ing monster!) . They also come in small convenient sizes, enough to fit in the NYC subway tunnels, because, you HAVE to film inside the NYC subway in any respectable New York City catastrophe movie about yuppies doing really stupid things that are too unrealistic to care about, an insult to the viewer intelligence.
The look on the guy with the goatee seems to say, Come here baby! I'll show you mine behind this rock! Shit, after all one goes to that thing the outdoors to relax!
"a 5.8 crack that was wetter than wet" ??
penthouse forum material...
But how to get Bob Guccione to read my blog? hmm...
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