1. Purchase fried chicken 4 for 3 deal. Get stuff with bones in it like wings, legs, or thighs.
2. Enjoy savory fried chicken while seated in moving vehicle.
3. Chicken bones magically disappear via window to feed mold, ants, and crows.

Anorexic thwarted me yet again, although I made significant progress. This time I was able to check the foot cut at the crux, and even made it to the exciting heel over the head hook at the top. I just need a little more endurance/core, more precise foot work, more focus, and a good night's sleep. In short, I need more everything. I am convinced the insomnia is holding me back a full v-grade. Wait, that's wus-talk. V6 isn't that hard.
Anorexic attempts. from Hotel Sierra on Vimeo.
Right before leaving, we hit some moderate sport at the Pit, which is a pretty stellar little crag. I feel the limestone on the faces is of a higher quality than Charleston, and the approach is a mere 10 minute hike on an easy trail. Not too crowded either. Tried the Joker 5.12d, but couldn't put it together, especially after an entire day of bouldering. Got to the 4th or 5th bolt before throwing in the towel.

John actually bouldered like a fiend that day. did a bunch of 0s, 1s, 2s, and worked the uber classic Bat Roof v3 for over an hour.
those drumsticks did look kinda skimpy. but at least you had paella waiting for you at home. man, hungryorange spoils you!
Your diligence inspires the uninsured east coast kids amongst us. Anorexic will go. You are making some nice progress.
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