Warmup on the magnum boulder. I got a yellow card for burning a beginner on the slab. Apparently "burning" somebody means walking up to something that people are working on and hiking it. It's poor form and betrays a petty ego stroke. Don't burn people - unless they're your friends, in which case feel free to burn away.
Below Theresa on one of the v1s on the back of the Magnum boulder.

Learned about some new problems, but can't remember all the names.
Hungarian traverse v2
something around the left of the hungarian traverse - v2
boulder next to magnum - v4
boulder next to magnum - v6 - couldn't do it.
Matt's v7/8/9 project which is on an orange arete reminiscent of tigerstyle. couldn't do that. did ok on the beginning.
Cagefighter - v6 - couldn't do opening move, but could do all the other moves to the top out. Matt is able to waltz the start which I couldn't fathom. Fur and gristle outperform springy reach.. usually does.
Then we watched Zach D try Thumb War v10.

yo, give me a photo-laden post with some good climbing and scenery shots.
did you mean to italicize "good"?
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