Friday, December 28, 2007

Bishop trip report

Day 1
Get ass kicked on Iron Man Traverse. Leave blood on all the holds. The blue light is because the sun just set and I have no idea how to use a digital camera.

Day 2
Owens River Gorge:
Some 5.8s and 5.9 on the Great Wall of China. This is what somebody must have done with their machine gun after the heinous approach. I wanted to do the same.

Day 3
Happy Boulders
Serengeti V5
Solarium V3 (twice)
Rave V5 (stand start)
Hulk spits me off (pic)

Day 4
Heidi V0 on the Honey Boulder (pic)
Bouquet V3 next to Heidi
Took 3 huge falls off of Jedi Mind Tricks V3 (dammit!)
Iron Man Traverse V4 (at last! - sadly, no photo or video of the send. Just like Masa.)
Sheepherder V2 on the Loaf


Anonymous said...

Congrads! Iron Man Traverse! I wanna do it too....

Anonymous said...

What Chilly Breeze is leaving out is that he send the Iron Man in his first try of the day.